"I have found such joy in simple things:
A plain, clean room, a nut-brown loaf of bread,
A cup of milk, a kettle as it sings,
The shelter of a roof above my head,
And in a leaf-laced square along the floor,
Where yellow sunlight glimmers through
a door." ~Grace Noll Crowell
"I do not know when I have had happier times in my soul, than when I have been sitting at work, with nothing before me but acandle and a white cloth, and hearing no sound but that of myown breath, with God in my soul and heaven in my eye....Irejoice in being exactly what I am--a creature capable of lovingGod, and who, as long as God lives, must be happy. I get up and look for a while out of the window and gaze at the moon and stars, the work of an Almighty hand. I think of the grandeur of the universe and then sit down and think myself one of the happiest beings in it." ~a poor 18th century Methodist woman
"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." ~Psalm 16:11