Saturday, September 23, 2006

Today is the first day of fall... from our house to yours:

(youngest daughter, circa 1997)


I love this time of is my favorite. No other season even comes close. If I could, I would have fall, fall, winter, & fall. :) I love the cool breezes. I love the changing of the leaves, so brilliant with rich depths & hues they are. I am at heart, a fall gall, & one of my most cherished memories of fall is from when I was a child. I can remember laying on my back, on our front yard in the grass one particular late afternoon, staring up at the sky...all for the purpose of simply enjoying the crisp fall day, while I watched the clouds move, form, & change over & over again. And as I did so, I recall the cool brisk air, how it stroked & brushed & caressed my skin, ever so gently...almost as if in tandem with the swirls of the clouds I was watching up in that vast fall blue sky. It was as if God took that day, and pressed it as one presses a leaf within a cherished and comforting it is to my memories. What made that day so special was not so much what I saw, but the essence of what I felt within that moment, within that day...I'm sure you know what kind of day & memory I'm talking about. It was the kind where you not only remember the moment, but you remember what that moment felt like, as well. The kind where you can almost step back in time & touch if you were there once again. It was a captured space in time so serene for incredibly full of the Lord's presence, as if He could literally be felt in every single molecule of the air. So etheral it was, that it is hard to describe it with any is one of those special moments that is such a delightful of those moments that the soul has words for, although the human mind does not. As I lay there with all my senses quite vividly aflame with the wonderment of fall, I just knew, beyond knew, beyond knew...that such glory had to be of His making. That He WAS in such glory. It was one of those moments one finds so comforting to pull out of one's memory box and reflect upon...a real delicacy in the everyday food pantry of life.

It was also for me, a very innocent time, where only the moment, myself, & God existed. I had no clue as to all the evil happenings of this world that were concurrently going on, as there was no internet, & I didn't watch the news. I didn't know enough to really worry about tomorrow. I was too young to regret anything much of the past. What I knew of my world was my home, my church, and my neighborhood.

Decades have now passed since that day, and I have been a "grown-up" for many a year now. But I still believe moments like that are for all of us, no matter what age we are. Age, in truth, isn't the qualifying factor. For most of us, yes, childhood is gone...but the innocence and comfort from that period can still remain, & still be found, if we would only be willing to let Him give us those gifts once again. I find such moments when I spend time alone with my Saviour, tuning out the things I now know of this world around me. I find it when I come to my Lord with that same child-heart, of innocently waiting on Him, knowing His best for me will arrive. I find it when I enjoy His moment-to-moment gifts, knowing He has made all things beautiful in His time. And I find it when holding His hand in confidence, that all is well and will remain well...because He IS.

If someone tells you the childhood is over, be reassured that for those of us that love the Lord, it never truly ends. Sure we put away our childish ways and we must be responsible in an adult world. That's not what I'm talking about...I'm talking about the child-heart within each of us, that God gave each, so that we might truly see, if we only would. Most of us were in a hurry to grow up, only to find that we wish we had enjoyed & lingered over our childhood a bit more. Yes, the years have passed & many seasons have come & gone since those childhood ones...but I do believe our spirits can still contain that same wonderment, awe, & innocence that He gave us from the start. It is my prayer that we each return to the child-heart within us. The child-heart that knew of a faith that was so simple & trusting. The child-heart that could so easily believe without seeing. "And He said, 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'"(Matthew 18:3) "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" (Matthew 19:14)

I read a biography of St. Francis of Assissi when I was yet a child. I have always loved this prayer since I read it then. I close in sharing this with you. May you go in peace on this glorious 1st day of autumn, with this prayer ever present on your own God-given child-heart:

(click on to enlarge)

"This is the day that the Lord hath made...we will rejoice & be glad in it!" ~ Psalms 118:24

Friday, September 22, 2006

Strength & Honor are Her Clothing....


"Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come." ~ Proverbs 31:25

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Running the Race with Faith

(my [belated] daddy sitting calmly on a bull, when he was 20 years old; circa 1940)

"Fear focuses on me. Faith focuses on God." ~ Jimmy Evans

I just had to quickly post this here, as I thought it seemed so appropriate as a follow-up to my post a couple days ago, called "Running the Race without Fear". In fact, a bit earlier today, Sketch, added to that post, & I then added a subsequent follow-up to her comments.

May you go in peace tonight, focusing on the Author of your faith, whom is more than able to keep you, hold you, and make you stand. In fact, He can even make you walk on the water to Him. :)

Shalom for now.

The Nut Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree....

Is this pic of the same baby? fact, these babies are a generation apart. The photo on the left is of our youngest, Nikki, when she was a wee baby, while the photo on the right is of me, her mother, when I was her age. I find the similarities fascinating and thought everyone might have fun seeing 2 generations of God's Scotch-Irish lassies. :)

Everlasting to everlasting is God

"Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." ~ Psalms 90:1-2

(I have always loved this picture of the children & I. It was taken 15 years ago, when we were hiking in the glorious Colorado Rocky Mts. It is probably my favorite picture ever of all of us...such fun we had while there! I think my heart will always quicken at the site of any mountains, so breath-taking & moving my soul finds them.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Spiritual Snack for the Day ~ The Church Body of Muchness & Manyness

"Our Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry and crowds.
If he can keep us engaged in "muchness" and "manyness," he will
rest satisfied."
-- Richard J. Foster--

I love this, as it reminds me of the story of Martha & Mary in the Bible. Many times, we, as Christians running here, there, & everywhere, to all our church meetings & activities that we find so absolutely necessary...are simply acting synonymously with the same ills that befall secular work-a-holics. And yet are we not to be set apart from the world...a people distinguishable as doing all things differently? Yet if the enemy can rob us of that one-on-one time with our Lord; rob us of our one-on-one time with our spouse & children; rob us of our one-on-one time with His where we cannot truly know what He wants us to do with His precious gift of our time (& yes time IS a precious gift!)...then the enemy has accomplished much. Scurrying to & fro serves very little, if it then robs from the magnificent essence & giftedness of time, & what He would ask of our use of it. To use it unwisely would appear to serve not much good at all, other than to put us on a parallel par with the secular world's version of workaholism. I think that's what the Lord was trying to tell us, & make us aware the importance of, in Luke, chapter 10:38-42:

"As Jesus & his disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Marth was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!' 'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried & upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, & it will not be taken away from her.'"

As Christians, so many times we get caught up in "Martha-ness", rather than truly going about doing what the Lord would want of us. If we are so busy running- to-&-fro "in His name", that we don't even have the time to truly hear the Lord's sweet call, then surely we have missed the point of what Jesus was trying to tell us. And if we think we must do all this, to earn His favor, then we have nullified the cross, in that we have bought into legalism, which tries to save ourselves through works, rather than accepting our salavation through grace. "For by grace are you saved, through faith--& that not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not of works, lest any many should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Does that mean that since we are saved by grace, we are free to do nothing at all for the Lord's kingdom? Absolutely NOT, because a faith without works is dead, as well (James 2:26)! But when churchyness becomes synonymous with the secular work-a-holicness, thereby excluding hearing what the Lord could so effectively whisper to us in the "still"...then something is wrong. There is, after all, a very valid reason the Lord said:

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ~ Psalms 46:10

He does not need our rushings; our busyness; our many meetings & committees; nor our churchyness to exalt him. What He needs is our stillness most of that we might truly know, & fully understand...that He IS God...and that He is perfectly capable of BEING God, with us simply sitting at His feet as Mary did. Maybe if we realized how important this was most of all to Him, there'd be less fumblings in trying to be His hands & feet for our families, as well as for a lost & hurting world.

May we each learn what it is to be Marys, in a church-world that has for some reason, (& we can guess where this lie comes from)...convinced many Christians that they should & must be Marthas, to be acceptable in His sight. May we first, & always foremost, sit as Mary at His feet, being absolutely that we might truly know that HE is God. Not our works to be glorified. Not an "I've done so much today for the Lord", as Martha felt. But HIM glorified. Him & only Him. Are we absolutely sure that in our churchyness/busyness, that we are not trying to glorify or even possibly run from ourselves? And if we are running, where are we running to? Do we truly understand how very vital it is that we run first to our Savior, and rest at his feet, before considering running around to any other activities...especially those called "church" ones? Have we truly put our busyness on the altar, & even more so, would we be willing to, were He to ask us? Or are we more comfortable crying out, as Martha did, for the Lord to look at all that we are doing for His sake? What is it we are truly worshipping, as we go about all these activities we do in His name? Can we understand, as Mary obviously did, the priority, above all else, of spending time with the presence, and true essence, of our dear Lord & Savior?

Lord, I do so pray that you give us the hands of Martha, as there is much to do for Your kingdom that we might help our families & a world that is hurting...but first & foremost, I ask for the heart of Mary, so that we might know what it IS that you truly want us to do with our Martha hands. Amen & amen.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Spiritual Snack for the Day ~ Marriage...

"Marriage isn't about you being happy, but about you being holy." ~ (author unknown)

Oh boy, do I love this one. In a time when Hollywood has given a false impression to so many as to what marriage is really all about, this statement speaks what God's will is. Of course, He desires that marriage be as Christ is to the church, & in being such, it will bring joy to both partners. But it's sole objective isn't what one gets from it, but what one gives to it...the same holy committment that is there between Christ and His church.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Spiritual Snack for the Day ~ Running the Race without Fear

"Christians ought not to be smothered in fear. There is a
spiritual readiness, where we return to having the peace of God
stand guard over our hearts and minds. What an incredible
witness it is to a lost and fearful society when the Christian
acts like a child of God, living under the loving sovereignty of
the Heavenly Father. The Christian needs to walk in peace, so no
matter what happens they will be able to bear witness to a
watching world."
~Henry Blackaby
Ouch. Do I fall short of this one oftentimes. I can be such a worry-wart. Yet what is worry but fear of what may happen in any particular situation one is concerned about? How many of us truly rest in utter confidence in the Lord's sovereignty, come what may? Or do we, as Christians, rest peacefully in His care only when times are easy, or the answer is already evident? When we wring our hands, or toss & turn fretting...we are, in essence, smothered in fear, at least for the moment. We may not want to call it that, but it is such a manner...otherwise, we would lay down in those lush green pastures He has for us, knowing full well that all will be fine, no matter what. Thank goodness there is a loving Father, who crosses the distance for me, no matter what I lack, and continues to make my feet swift to the race. Paul said, "...I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race & complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24 Therefore, may we each run the race confidently, as a testimony to the living power of the Lord Jesus Christ, so when all is said & done, like Paul, we can say: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."
2 Timothy 4:7-8
And we all said, Maranatha...come Lord Jesus. (with an emboldened faith...& the secure heart-knowledge of His very mighty sovereignty).

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Grace, God, & I

Well, I've decided to try blogging. I figure if Grandma Moses could learn painting at a much older age than I am...then surely I can blog. I'm thinking, "How hard can it be?" Of course, I've been known to be technically challenged at least for the first year or so of a new electronic we shall see. I've still never fully learned our dvd player, nor do I comprehend all the buttons on a cell phone. What's wrong with just having a few, such as off/on, & start/stop? I'm sure I'm missing out on a lot of neat features, not ever daring to push any other buttons outside those simple-command ones...but as long as I don't know otherwise, I am perfectly content to know what little I do of such mechanics. The dichotomy is, I can digitize embroidery designs, and I did manage to make my own web page, so surely I will eventually grasp this new fangled type of media. The Word tells me I can do all things through Christ...thank goodness I've hidden it in my heart. Tough times call for tough measures, & so I'm believing there's nothing stronger for this techno-battle than the Word. (Of course, there's nothing stronger for any battle...)

So here I sit, the Word & I......blogging......for the very first time. I can remember a time when I looked at blogs, and thought, "Don't they have anything better to do with their time???" Now someone can ponder that about me. I've joined the rank & file...& I'm not sure if that's a plus, a minus, or one of those whats (as in "I don't know what it is"). What I do find especially interesting, though, in starting on this new adventure called "blogging", is that in my really younger days, it was called "keeping a diary", and any sibling caught reading it definitely caught one's wrath. It was then later called "journaling", and with that, the desire was still that no one read what one was writing. Now along comes "blogging", and the very point *is* for a person to share it with others, so that anyone, (including non-family members), can read what one's thoughts are. It appears the point I once knew has been completely stood on its head. I have to ask, am I the only one that this concept seems a bit befuddling to??? The idea that one not only bring it out from under the mattress, but that one also post it on the whole worrrrlllld-wide-web...well, it is just contrary to everything I've always known. But with that comment, I'm probably dating myself, so I think I'll leave well-enough alone....

Btw, the picture of the little girl with the dolls is of my mama, Yona, taken during the Great Depression. I love it because it heralds me back to a simpler time: a time that, yes, was full of much loss...but it was also full of much gain. My mama went home to be with the Lord in '86, but if one were to ask her, she would've said, I'm sure, that it was full of those truly important things that weave through the fabric of one's life. This picture is only a single thread of hers (& now my) fabric, yet it weaves such a story. There's my mama, sitting in a field on a cold day, playing with her dolls, quite content with the world the Lord had blessed her with...while her own mama was home probably fretting while trying to figure out what could be scrounged up for dinner. Yet all the while, throughout that moment in time, God's invisible, (& visible), loving hands, are all about. Do you see them? Not with your eyes, but with your heart. That after all, is what faith in God's loving hands is all about.

Speaking of God's loving hands, it is a glorious day in the Lord, with me having fun trying something I've never done before. Here am I, a middle-aged woman blogging, of all things. Yet I am. This is my thread in time. So I sit here at the computer, while He has blessed me with a rainy, cool day today to do so. The windows are open and the birds are chirping outside. And the Lord's presence surrounds me like a blanket of comfort. What more can one want? I am grateful for the simple pleasures He has given me, for it is in the simple and mundane that I have found the purest, most authentic joy. The mad chasings of the world...the rushing here and there and everywhere...none of those disclose what is found in the corner of life called solitude. In those corners, I find the beginning and the end...the alpha and the omega...from here to there & everywhere, the Lord. And at my city gate, He has sprinkled my corner today with rain droplets...the big fat kind that pitter & patter the whole morning long, making puddles that are scattered all about. But they also patter & splash on my soul...washing me in the thoughts of how purifying and cleansing are His love and new are His mercies every day. Thank you Lord. The longer I live, the more I am aware that it is by grace go I. A rainy cool fall day of grace, God, & I.