"Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name." (Genesis 2:19)

...I called it: "A MOUSSSSSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :)
Usually I get fully awakened after my first cup of coffee. Not so this morning. :) I had JUST awakened & crawled out of bed, when I noticed that one of our Yorkies was not jumping off the bed as he usually does. In looking to see why, I saw what I thought was a gray piece of yarn stuck to the fur at the side of his mouth. Thoughts did briefly go through my head wondering as to where the gray yarn came from, (as well as what it might have to do with our dog staying put on the bed)...but as quickly as those thoughts entered, I dismissed them as irrelevant to simply getting the yarn removed from his mouth fur. With that, I proceeded to grab hold of the "gray yarn" that was hanging there. Just as urgently as it registered within my morning fog that the yarn felt oddly squishy for being such...I proceeded to hear a "plop". Looking down, something much bigger than any strand of gray yarn had just dropped on the bed in front of my little dog. I realized then, that what I was holding onto, was horrors of all horrors, not yarn, but the tail of a mouse! Of course, I immediately let go & proceeded to scream, "A MOUSSSSSSE!!!!!!!!" (as if there were anyone around that could do something about it anyway) :)
Realizing I was on my own in dealing with this, I scurried to get a paper towel from the bathroom to "pick it up with" (ICK!), all the while commanding our dog " DON'T touch!". At the same time, I was praying in my head "Oh please let it NOT be alive!" I just was not sure how well I would handle coming back to the bed to find the mouse missing, all the while knowing my husband was away at work, & that there was no one within a neighborly jaunt to call for emergency mouser-help. Thankfully, the critter was still there when I got back to the bed...our Yorkie had obviously made sure it had met its demise much earlier that morning. Of course, that also meant that while I had slept on in oblivion, he must have been relishing holding onto his outdoor catch...quite proud of his "mousing"...yet suffering me to sharing the same bed as the duo. Thankfully, he was resting with his mammalian catch at the foot of the bed, and not at the head of the bed, when I awakened. Had he been at the head of the bed, and I rolled over and seen such...well, I can't even go there....
I then proceeded to do what any female of the human race would do...I disposed of it *outside*, in the *outside* trash can. However, once I dispensed of it there...I then thought for posterity's sake, (as well as to celebrate my Yorkie's pristine hunting skills, and my I-did-it-all-by-myself-moment)...I should probably capture "it" on "film". (I also did not want it to be one of those "uh-huh...and you say you caught a fish, & it was how big??") So here he is...the late Mr. Country Mouse (or maybe it was City Mouse, visiting the country). Either way, obviously the Lord had a sense of humor in how to wake me up to another fine day of His. And probably a few angels were chuckling as well...I'm sure even the cymbal players contributed a few clangs or two. Maybe the whole band got in on it. Oh chuckle, chuckle, chuckle ye heavenly hosts....