Thursday, April 22, 2010

God's love in letting us be undone

Today marks a week since my husband's last day at his job where he worked as a funeral director. Still no in his field are not a dime a dozen. Once someone is at a place, they usually stay there for years and years, much as my husband has always done. Until the funeral home was bought out, new staff brought in, and his job ended. But I know there must be a reason...God is not a random God of happenstance. In a quote email that came today, it said the following, which so spoke to my true it is:

"The life you have constructed may be falling apart, but the life God has fashioned is not. His wisdom has known all things before the foundations of the world— including you. If God has let you be undone, He has allowed it for a reason.

Do you realize how thoroughly rooted in eternity your life is? It was not an afterthought in the mind of a play-it-by-ear God. He has already made provision for it. Before the foundation of the world, He did at least two things: He brought forth His wisdom; and He thought of you (Ephesians 1:4). His wisdom and your existence went hand in hand. Does that boggle your mind? It should. Rest in the assurance of a forever-wise God." ~Chris Tiegreen, The One Year Walk with God Devotional

"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD." ~ Isaiah 55:8