God of the land of unemployment...
Well, today is my dh's last day at his job. He is a funeral director/embalmer, and the funeral home has been sold and bought by 2 brothers who are both funeral director/embalmers. They are not keeping on the old staff, so everyone is out of a job as of 5 p.m. today. Our insurance ends, as well, at the end of this month. Yet we know that God is even the God of the land of unemployment...we can trust in Him implicitly to take care of us.
In the midst of all this change, though, God did an incredibly comforting thing for us this week, to remind us that He is the God of all our needs, not just the big needs, but the little needs and wants, as well. For the past 14 years we have lived here, my dh and I have so wanted fresh cows' milk, much as we had when we lived in VT. But we have been unable to find any. During the time that my dh has worked at his current job, he has been able to buy from a health food store near there, some bottled cows' milk which although pasteurized, it was at least non-homogenized. That meant that the layer of cream was still on top of the milk. It was from an Amish farm in Iowa, and the health food store bought it from there. On Monday night of this week, while I was savoring my after-dinner glass of creamy, semi-fresh milk, my dh said, "You know honey, we won't have any more of your special milk after this Thursday." (He had been driving an hour each way to work every day, so the store would now be too far away to continue to drive to just for milk.) I acknowledged that, lamenting how I'd miss it, but it had been delicious while I had it. The next morning, Tuesday, a Mennonite farmer was coming out to disc our front field, and my dh and I chatted with him for a few minutes before he got started. While chatting, I asked him if he knew anywhere where we could get fresh cows' milk at. (We thought he might know someone that had it, but probably not someone that sells it. But...we figured it wouldn't hurt to at least ask.) He said he did know someone, and right-away he gave them a call! So my dh and I went over there that evening, and bought some from them. When we got home, we poured us each a glass, and were absolutely DELIGHTED that we once again, after all these years, had really, truly 100% FRESH cows' milk! I can't tell you HOW good that is...it is like the difference between store-bought bread, and home-made bread...there is just NO comparison. :) We now had not just the semi-real thing, like we had been getting from the health food store, but the ABSOLUTELY 100% fresh-from-the farm cows' milk! No steroids, no grain...completely grass fed cows! And to top it all, they are in the process of getting ready to make home-made cheese and butter from their cows' milk, and as soon as that is up and running, they will sell those to us as well...how incredible is that? :)
As we were driving home, we discussed how we'd lived here 14 years, and God had not provided us with finding a place to get fresh cows' milk from. But how He knew that our Amish bottled, non-homogenized semi-fresh milk from the health store was going to end as of tonight, and how I would so miss it. How good God is, during a time when our life is completely topsy turvy, not knowing where a job will come from for my husband, nor knowing if we will now have to move quite a ways away....He provides us with milk to replace the health food milk. And not only that, but the 100% completely farm-fresh milk that is both non-homogenized *and* non-pasteurized, from grass-fed cows, direct from the farm, as we've wanted all these years! How good of Him, as well, to wait and give us this special gift when we needed that touch of His hand the most. Even His timing was perfect & so kind. If God can know, and care about, our desire for something as simple and unimportant in the big scheme of things, as farm-fresh cow's milk...He can certainly know and care very much about the very-important-in-the-scheme-of-things unemployment land we are now venturing into. God is indeed such a COMPASSIONATE Daddy!!...loving us down to the tiniest, most insignificant details of our lives. Oh how I LOVE Him!!!
This quote came in my email the other day through a quote subscription service I belong to, and I think it so well summarizes God in all the moments of our lives:
"When all other doors in life are closed to us, Jesus will be for us the ever open door. If we really believe this then no situation in life will ever be hopeless. For to call any situation hopeless is to shut the door on God." ~ Anthony M. Coniaris
On Christ the sold rock we stand! All other ground IS shifting, but Christ stands immovable beneath our feet...PTL...He IS always worthy to be praised!!
In the midst of all this change, though, God did an incredibly comforting thing for us this week, to remind us that He is the God of all our needs, not just the big needs, but the little needs and wants, as well. For the past 14 years we have lived here, my dh and I have so wanted fresh cows' milk, much as we had when we lived in VT. But we have been unable to find any. During the time that my dh has worked at his current job, he has been able to buy from a health food store near there, some bottled cows' milk which although pasteurized, it was at least non-homogenized. That meant that the layer of cream was still on top of the milk. It was from an Amish farm in Iowa, and the health food store bought it from there. On Monday night of this week, while I was savoring my after-dinner glass of creamy, semi-fresh milk, my dh said, "You know honey, we won't have any more of your special milk after this Thursday." (He had been driving an hour each way to work every day, so the store would now be too far away to continue to drive to just for milk.) I acknowledged that, lamenting how I'd miss it, but it had been delicious while I had it. The next morning, Tuesday, a Mennonite farmer was coming out to disc our front field, and my dh and I chatted with him for a few minutes before he got started. While chatting, I asked him if he knew anywhere where we could get fresh cows' milk at. (We thought he might know someone that had it, but probably not someone that sells it. But...we figured it wouldn't hurt to at least ask.) He said he did know someone, and right-away he gave them a call! So my dh and I went over there that evening, and bought some from them. When we got home, we poured us each a glass, and were absolutely DELIGHTED that we once again, after all these years, had really, truly 100% FRESH cows' milk! I can't tell you HOW good that is...it is like the difference between store-bought bread, and home-made bread...there is just NO comparison. :) We now had not just the semi-real thing, like we had been getting from the health food store, but the ABSOLUTELY 100% fresh-from-the farm cows' milk! No steroids, no grain...completely grass fed cows! And to top it all, they are in the process of getting ready to make home-made cheese and butter from their cows' milk, and as soon as that is up and running, they will sell those to us as well...how incredible is that? :)
As we were driving home, we discussed how we'd lived here 14 years, and God had not provided us with finding a place to get fresh cows' milk from. But how He knew that our Amish bottled, non-homogenized semi-fresh milk from the health store was going to end as of tonight, and how I would so miss it. How good God is, during a time when our life is completely topsy turvy, not knowing where a job will come from for my husband, nor knowing if we will now have to move quite a ways away....He provides us with milk to replace the health food milk. And not only that, but the 100% completely farm-fresh milk that is both non-homogenized *and* non-pasteurized, from grass-fed cows, direct from the farm, as we've wanted all these years! How good of Him, as well, to wait and give us this special gift when we needed that touch of His hand the most. Even His timing was perfect & so kind. If God can know, and care about, our desire for something as simple and unimportant in the big scheme of things, as farm-fresh cow's milk...He can certainly know and care very much about the very-important-in-the-scheme-of-things unemployment land we are now venturing into. God is indeed such a COMPASSIONATE Daddy!!...loving us down to the tiniest, most insignificant details of our lives. Oh how I LOVE Him!!!
This quote came in my email the other day through a quote subscription service I belong to, and I think it so well summarizes God in all the moments of our lives:
"When all other doors in life are closed to us, Jesus will be for us the ever open door. If we really believe this then no situation in life will ever be hopeless. For to call any situation hopeless is to shut the door on God." ~ Anthony M. Coniaris
On Christ the sold rock we stand! All other ground IS shifting, but Christ stands immovable beneath our feet...PTL...He IS always worthy to be praised!!
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." ~Hebrews 13:8
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Cor. 5:7
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