Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Serving Your Neighbor

I was reading today's devotional in Seize the Day with Deitrich Bonhoeffer, by Charles Ringma. It was so wonderful, speaking about how important it is to serve our neighbor. May it speak to you, and may God always show you more and more ways to serve those He places in your path, both near and far. Below is today's devotion in green, in its entirety:

In the Face of the Other (Mark 9:37)
"From God he hears the word: 'If you want my goodness to stay with you, then serve your neighbor, for in him God comes to you Himself." -- No Rusty Swords
Freely, God's goodness comes to us. But God's good gifts to place us under obligation. This obligation has nothing to do with trying to pay God back. That is simply impossible. But God's good gifts affect us and transform us in such a way that we desire to become like the Giver. In expressing this desire, we aim to treat others in the same way that God has treated us. In relating appropriately to others, and in serving them, we ourselves are blessed. For in the needy neighbor, we meet the Christ who calls us to the gentle art of compassion.
In Serving the least of our brothers and sisters, we find the gentle approval of the Man of Sorrows.
"But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice'. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." ~Matthew 9:13