Thursday, February 19, 2009

God in the Ordinary!

From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we awaken to a new day of full-time ministry if we truly seek to be His servants. 24/7 our lives are a ministry, in one form or another. The breakfast you cooked. The child's face you cleaned. The encouraging phone call or note. The smile to the stranger as you were passing by. So many ways ad infinitum. Ask Him to show you how to serve in the small, and then serve others greatly. Do it as if serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Serve with much love and a cheerful spirit, not making racket as a clanging cymbal, but rather with the sounds of pleasing chords and harmony. Below is an excerpt from today's devotional of My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers. May it speak to you as it did to me:

"Read John 13. We see there the Incarnate God doing the most desperate piece of drudgery, washing fishermen's feet, and He says - 'If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet.' It requires the inspiration of God to go through drudgery with the light of God upon it. Some people do a certain thing and the way in which they do it hallows that thing for ever afterwards. It may be the most commonplace thing, but after we have seen them do it, it becomes different." ~Oswald Chambers
Dare to make those simple acts of ordinary daily service toward your family and others, to become something well!