One year anniversary at our new residence
The 1st of Aug. marked the year anniversary of my husband driving out of our driveway, to move 3 hours away to his new town and job, while I stayed behind until we found a house to purchase there. It would be 3 months...not until Nov...that we would be back together over here in our new home...with only seeing each other every other weekend until that time. How very, very long it seemed! We remember so clearly the day he had to leave...we both cried as he pulled out of the driveway, never having been apart like that before. But God was so gracious to us, and comforted and held us throughout that time, as He always does...and by mid-November, we were back together again as a family, in our beautiful home that He more than generously blessed us with. We are thankful for a job found quickly (3 1/2 months); a miracle in and of itself, considering the horrendous economic upheavels and unemployment our country is experiencing. I don't know why He chose to make our experience as short-lived as it was...His ways are always His own, for His own reasons and purposes. I'm just grateful that we had a faithful God to walk by our side through those what-seemed-at-the-time such very incredibly long days and nights...days of aching and missing the other...clinging to God...knowing that only He could close that distance of miles, and only He could see us through that time. Of course, as Christians, we know it is only truly God that can see us through *any* time.
One of the things I was so going to miss, though, were all the critters...especially the many and varied birds that we had at our prior home. Yet God knew even kind and fatherly is my Heavenly Papa to care about such a small detail...especially for such an avid bird-lover as I. Not only that, but bluebirds (outside of loons), are my very favorite bird, and we have *lots* of them here! Below are a few snapshots of some of our various residents at our new home (definitely not all-inclusive!) looks like a few of them are singing His praises, as well! :)
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" ~ Matthew 6:26
One of the things I was so going to miss, though, were all the critters...especially the many and varied birds that we had at our prior home. Yet God knew even kind and fatherly is my Heavenly Papa to care about such a small detail...especially for such an avid bird-lover as I. Not only that, but bluebirds (outside of loons), are my very favorite bird, and we have *lots* of them here! Below are a few snapshots of some of our various residents at our new home (definitely not all-inclusive!) looks like a few of them are singing His praises, as well! :)
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" ~ Matthew 6:26
(checking out the church..."hello in there!")
(can we say TOO hot out???, but another season will come...)
"O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! ~Psalm 8:9
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