Monday, June 23, 2008

The Quotable C.S. Lewis on Faith in Christ Alone

"Christians have often disputed as to whether what leads the Christian home is good actions or Faith in Christ...It does seem to me like asking which blade in a pair of scissors is most necessary. A serious moral effort is the only thing that will bring you to the point where you throw up the sponge. Faith in Christ is the only thing to save you from despair at that point: and out of the Faith in Him good actions must inevitably come." ~C.S. Lewis, The Quotable Lewis (quoted from Mere Christianity) (Emphasis mine...I love how he states that!)
(The Quotable Lewis. You can get it here.)
"[Salvation] is the change from being confident about our own efforts to the state in which we despair of doing anything for ourselves and leave it to God.
I know the words 'leave it to God' can be misunderstood, but they must stay for the moment. The sense in which a Christian leaves it to God is that he puts all his trust in Christ; trust that Christ will somehow share with him the perfect human obedience which He carried out from His birth to His crucifixion: that Christ will make the man more like Himself and, in a sense, make good his deficiencies. In Christian language, He will share His 'sonship' with us, will make us, like Himself, 'Sons of God.'" ~C.S. Lewis, The Quotable Lewis (quoted from Mere Christianity)(again, emphasis mine...I love how he points out that it is through the Spirit of Christ, so that *Christ* gets the glory, and not man)
"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." ~James 2:17-19

Below are 2 audios, among many, by John Piper on sanctification:

How the Spirit Does What the Law Could Not, by John Piper, at Desiring God

What the Law Could Not Do, God Did Sending Christ, Part 2, by John Piper, at Desiring God

"Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God."~Romans 15:17