Why I Will Always Believe that Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Not too many years ago, no one would have thought twice about renaming Christmas, or removing a nativity, or anything else we hear discussed & done nowadays...& it seems with each passing year, the attacks become more & more aggressive to remove all semblance to Christ-mas. And if I let it, it can really get me worked up. But then the Lord whispers to me to rest in His mighty & comforting arms and as I do...
...I am reminded that Jesus will always be the reason for the season...and that no one can ever take that away from us as long as we carry Him in our hearts. Through the years, there have been many attempts, in many nations, to expunge Christ from being celebrated and worshipped no matter what season it was...and in all these years, no one has ever succeeded...certainly no one ever will. Christ will always transcend all time, holidays, and any other categorical box the world would try to neatly allocate Him to. The world that would be rid of Him does not understand that He is not the packaging, but rather what the packaging is about. Tear down a church, and He will still be present. Make it a crime to worship Him at threat of life, and He will still reside in the hearts that wish Him there. Remove His name and story from all that we have cherished and so fondly called Christmas, and He will still remain as the Gift of all gifts. Christ cannot, and will not, not be what He was & is, no matter what mere man tries to do about & to Him. If a cross could not kill such a King, and remove Him from the world's midst, (and it could not)...rest assured that the Name of all names cannot be eradicated from Christmas, either...not truly. The celebratory feast cannot but always take place in every hovel, heart, and home that wishes it so, so powerful is this Name that some would wish begone. If an edict could not remove Him, & death could not hold Him...then certainly rearranging, renaming, or trying to obscure Him from Christmas will never do so, either. What those that would so readily excise Him do not understand is that Christ is forevermore with us...yes, even unto such times as "winter holiday"...where the memory of "Christ-mas" is bent on steadily being relegated, (for much of the world), to the deep recesses of one's mind. Yet He *is* here and He will *always* be here: for this Christmas season, for the next Christmas season...for all times, for all seasons. For the believer, the really good news is that Christ will forevermore live on as the reason for each & every season. Know you not that there is *no* power on earth or below, that can relegate where Christ is to be. There is absolutely, beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt, just *NOT*. He is & has always been, the beginning and the end, therefore it is futile & folly to believe that any era, fence, edict, country, or person can block Him in or out of anything, much less the hearts and seasons of men. And that, dear world, is the reason why it will always be Christ-mas, for those of us that choose to believe. :)
....So from our family to yours, we wish you a most wonderfully blessed, peaceful, and joyful Christ-mas! ~mkerr
...I am reminded that Jesus will always be the reason for the season...and that no one can ever take that away from us as long as we carry Him in our hearts. Through the years, there have been many attempts, in many nations, to expunge Christ from being celebrated and worshipped no matter what season it was...and in all these years, no one has ever succeeded...certainly no one ever will. Christ will always transcend all time, holidays, and any other categorical box the world would try to neatly allocate Him to. The world that would be rid of Him does not understand that He is not the packaging, but rather what the packaging is about. Tear down a church, and He will still be present. Make it a crime to worship Him at threat of life, and He will still reside in the hearts that wish Him there. Remove His name and story from all that we have cherished and so fondly called Christmas, and He will still remain as the Gift of all gifts. Christ cannot, and will not, not be what He was & is, no matter what mere man tries to do about & to Him. If a cross could not kill such a King, and remove Him from the world's midst, (and it could not)...rest assured that the Name of all names cannot be eradicated from Christmas, either...not truly. The celebratory feast cannot but always take place in every hovel, heart, and home that wishes it so, so powerful is this Name that some would wish begone. If an edict could not remove Him, & death could not hold Him...then certainly rearranging, renaming, or trying to obscure Him from Christmas will never do so, either. What those that would so readily excise Him do not understand is that Christ is forevermore with us...yes, even unto such times as "winter holiday"...where the memory of "Christ-mas" is bent on steadily being relegated, (for much of the world), to the deep recesses of one's mind. Yet He *is* here and He will *always* be here: for this Christmas season, for the next Christmas season...for all times, for all seasons. For the believer, the really good news is that Christ will forevermore live on as the reason for each & every season. Know you not that there is *no* power on earth or below, that can relegate where Christ is to be. There is absolutely, beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt, just *NOT*. He is & has always been, the beginning and the end, therefore it is futile & folly to believe that any era, fence, edict, country, or person can block Him in or out of anything, much less the hearts and seasons of men. And that, dear world, is the reason why it will always be Christ-mas, for those of us that choose to believe. :)
....So from our family to yours, we wish you a most wonderfully blessed, peaceful, and joyful Christ-mas! ~mkerr
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