Wednesday, December 06, 2006

John 3:16 Christmas, gift-wrapped with love from above

It is Christmastime once again: a time when we exchange gifts; a time of festivities & many wonderful things, yet every one of them so temporal. Each here today, then gone with the end of our man-made Christmas season. How we all, whether young or old, long to hold on to those feelings that Christmastime invokes. And yet, the good news is it doesn't have to end with the close of Christmas fact, it can be even better than ALL the Christmas seasons put together that you've ever experienced! The really GOOD news is that the magic of Christmas is just a *fraction* of the taste of what can be there all the year through. Which brings me to the following...

If you haven't yet asked the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to be your personal Lord & Savior, would you like to now? He loves you SO very much & has such wonderful plans for you...plans you can't even begin to imagine! He can work with you, if you will only let Him. There will never, ever, be any greater love that anyone has for you, than what Jesus does, in that He laid down His life for you!! Never forget that you are important to at least one person, and that one person is Jesus Christ, your Heavenly He so LOVES you. :)

Did you know that had you been the only person on the earth, He would have STILL died on the cross for YOU...that's how much He loves you, and how special YOU are to Him! He wants to become Lord of your life...won't you ask Him to come in? Do you need comfort? Reassurance? Peace? Joy? The Bible is His *Living* it, read it, and let it comfort you & give you His peace as He intended it to. It is full of such jewels! If you are not sure where to begin, start by reading the New Testament. See if reading it doesn't do miracles for you...miracles you thought were only relegated to Christmas movies. The real miracle IS still alive, praise the Lord! It is the Christmas Story, and how God sent His only Son, as a gift to YOU, because He loved YOU so very much! YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU (yes, YOU!) are SO very special to Him...never doubt that for an instant!

In closing, the gift I would most like to give at Christmas for my family & friends, as well as those I've not met yet & may never meet...would be a prayer that if you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior, that you would step out in faith & ask Him to come live in your heart, and let it be His home. How I wish you could know that His gift of salvation is SO much greater than any Christmas season can contain, and far richer & deeper than ALL the lovely & wonderful Christmas memories *combined* that you can remember from over the years! Can you imagine such a love that surpasses your warmest, dearest memories of all your prior Christmases?!? To me, it is mind-boggling, that He would even have such a love for ME, but I know that He does, because the warmth of His love fills me when I need filled; comforts me when I need comforted; & strengthens me when I need strengthened. It is a love that has NO end. Won't you accept that love of His for yourself, as well?

For all my current brothers & sisters in Christ, it is my prayer-gift to you this Christmas season that you may continue to grow by leaps & bounds in the eternal richness, grace, & knowledge of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. There is simply no way for us as humans to completely comprehend the magnitude of the sacrificial gift that was given to us so many years ago!...but may we ever remember that it was the gift of a KING, like no other king before, nor any other King since. And may we come to Him always on bended knee, all 100% of our being, remembering that we are for HIS glory, because He SO loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have life everlasting. (John 3:16) That then, is the gift-essence of Christmas.

A most blessed Christmas season to each of you!