Friday, March 02, 2018

Thank you God, so very much, for Billy and Ruth Graham

  I watched, a bit earlier today, the funeral for Billy Graham. It was SO incredibly moving...such a testimony to Jesus Christ and His saving power! I think I bawled through most of it, not because of sadness that he is gone, (as I know he is home with Jesus and that he ran the race so wonderfully)...but I bawled out of pure joy for Christ, and all that He is and does for us, and that so many people came to Christ because of the witness of this one man's life here on earth. What a wonderful inspiration Billy Graham and his family are to me. The poem below, written by Ruth Graham at age 13 (who would later become his wife), was read at his funeral today:
 "Dear God, I prayed, all unafraid
(as we're inclined to do)
I do not need a handsome man
But let him be like You;
I do not need one big and strong
nor yet so very tall,
Nor need he be some genius
Or wealthy, Lord, at all;
But let his head be high, dear God,
And let his eye be clear,
His shoulders straight, whate'er his state,
Whate'er his earthly sphere;
And let his face have character,
A ruggedness of soul,
And let his whole life show, dear God,
A singleness of goal;
Then when he comes (as he will come)
with quiet eyes aglow,
I'll understand that he's the man
I prayed for long ago." ~Ruth Graham
I grew up, hearing one of the highlights of my mom's life, was that in 1956, in Oklahoma City, she was part of the choir in the Billy Graham Crusade there. Even though my momma died in 1986, when I was a young adult, I still have her choir booklet from that Crusade; and how I cherish her words and memories of that had touched her so much. Through my momma's own life, I was introduced to Jesus Christ, and Billy and Ruth Graham by extension. I still have my momma's early books written by Billy Graham. How I love my momma, and how through her witness, I came to know Christ, as well as grew up hearing and reading about, Billy and Ruth Graham, whom have discipled me with great wisdom from their books, writings, and his sermons.
 (Billy Graham Crusade, 1956, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Billy and Ruth Graham are now reunited, and are with their Lord. I pray that many more come to Christ, through their witness, that continues on through their precious family, and all those around the world whom they have touched in so many lasting ways. For me, that beautiful couple will always be so special, and so loved. I thank them for all that they have imparted to my life...though unknown to them, they have touched my life deeply. Some people cross one's life and create a small ripple...others cross one's life and make an eternal impact. They were of the latter. I thank God for their Godly wisdom and devotion to His Word. When I became an orphan at age 26, unknown to them, I looked to them for that Godly wisdom...and they never let me down. Thank you God for this sweet couple, and their family that continues onward in Your name.